Sometimes the issue is not with you so do not worry and be sensitive about it. One of the common reason is that they are dealing with their personal issues in other aspects of life, causing him to fret over them and this affects his mood for love. Women may feel that this is one of the worst reason as there is nothing that you can do to help solve the problem.
The only thing that she can do is to support him in all decisions, believe in him and let him have the time and space to settle these personal problems. Though it may be tough to give him that space and flexibility, take this opportunity to have some alone time doing the things you enjoy or plan a night out with your girlfriends. Your partner will definitely appreciate the space and time to solve his problems.
2. Finding Faults
Some men are very touchy and prideful toward criticism. They may not like women who find faults with them all the time, this is especially so if the lady criticize her partner in front of his friends. Put yourself in their shoes, think about it, would you want your man to find fault with you all the time?
Remember that no one is perfect including yourself. Finding faults and criticizing him too often will cause tension in your relationship. Do not think about wanting him to change but instead give him space to grow.
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